Book your Appointment
You may consult any doctor in the practice regardless of which doctor you are registered with. If you are attending for treatment of an on-going problem, it is normally best if you see the same doctor.
For appointments, please telephone 632 4962 or call in at the surgery. Urgent appointments can be made within 24 hours with the first doctor available. To ensure your appointment is with the most relevant clinician the reception staff will ask some questions about the reason for your appointment. Staff have been trained in this regard so please answer their questions to ensure we can give the best service to all our patients.
If you prefer to see a specific doctor, you may have to wait for a few days more.
Children under 16 years should come with an adult.
Extended Hours
The practice offers an extended hours clinic between 6pm – 6.30pm on a Friday evening.
Emergency Calls
During surgery hours telephone 632 4962. The receptionists are trained to ask for details to help the doctor judge the urgency of the visit.
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else
Missed Appointments
A missed appointment is a wasted appointment and therefore it is extremely important you let us know, giving as much time as possible, if you cannot attend an appointment. It is our responsibility to protect NHS resources and therefore if you miss 2 appointments you will receive a warning letter informing you that should you miss a further appointment you will be removed from our surgery list as per NHS Guidelines.